Our Rotary invited guests to bring the family, have some burgers, and learn about Rotary. The Polio Plus display showed our guests how Rotary International (RI) worked to eradicate polio. We all talked about what Rotarians can do globally by working together. Another display demonstrated our community work, school events, military support, and fundraisers.
Rotarians Karen Utley and Steve Abbott smile for the camera during a break. As our greeter, Karen provided our Rotary brochures and directed them to the food and kids’ activities. Steve talked to parents about "Service Above Self."
Rotarians Marie Wade and George Archibold discuss our service projects and rotary meetings with our guests.
Rotarian Mila Chochran pulled this event together! Her husband, Dave, had a fine time, and young Elina played to hear heart’s content.
Rotarian Don Weeks sampled the first burger from the BBQ. Rotarian Chuck Ibold cooked the burgers and hot dogs while other Rotarians share the Rotary message.
Rotarians provided books for the kids to take home and enjoy!
The kids played with bubbles and balloons. The best stuff to make a kid smile!