Our ever-ready Past President Ally stepped in to speak about her Rotary International (RI) donation when obstinate COVID caused a speaker cancellation.
First, what is PolioPlus Society? As a District 5340 designation, PolioPlus Society encourages Rotarians to commit to a minimum of $100/year to the PolioPlus Fund until polio eradication is complete. Polio Eradication is one of the global efforts by the Rotary Foundation. It was part of her $1000 a year Paul Harris Society Membership. What had impressed Ally to make her want to participate? More of the donated funds went to helping others rather than operations.
RI's Rotary Foundation helps Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace. You can also direct your donations to the following focus areas:
Basic education and literacy
Community economic development
Disease prevention and treatment
Maternal and child health
Peacebuilding and conflict prevention
Water, sanitation, and hygiene
What are the donation programs for individual Rotarians? If you wish to be a Paul Harris Sustaining Member, you have the option to give $100 or more per year to the Annual Fund. One this donation reaches $1,000, you become a Paul Harris Fellow. You can also bequest funds upon your death to become either a Benefactor or part of the Bequest Society through your Will & Trust. For more information and programs, go to Individual Recognition or go to MyRotary.com
How do these donations support our club? Since our club's Rotarians donate $50 per capita to the Annual Fund per current District requirements, our club qualifies for District Grants. This year, our club’s District Grants will help school children gain team play experience and self-esteem through Esports and provide skills-based training in flower arrangement at D’Vine Path. Consider the impact of our club donating $100 per capita to qualify for a Global Grant! We could also qualify by a club total of at least $20,000 for the 2022-2023 Rotary Year.
What club recognition levels are available? Our club could be awarded for being a 100% Paul Harris Fellow Club. Imagine our club having all active members becoming Paul Harris Fellows! Every Rotarian Every Year (EREY) is another choice for our club. This requires $100 per capita during the year and every active member must contribute $25. To find out more about possible club programs and how donating helps our club, click Club Recognition or go to MyRotary.com