Rather than a meeting, everyone enjoyed a noontime meal on Zoom.
Rotarian Paula Shilts had a healthy salad while others munched on a roast beef sandwich or quesadilla. The conversation turned to the differences between fresh veggies and store bought. After eating fresh green beans, who wants to touch the canned ones? Rotarian Don Weeks said he should start picking his avocados but doesn't like carrots and kale --- fresh or not! Everyone seemed to have quite a few lemons right now.

Rotarian Tom Stuver, who has five acres, talked about how he has a ripening passion fruit surplus.

Since Tom was gone for a Colorado, the fruit should be packed off to the Fallbrook Food Pantry. He even has the pantry's bins but has far more fruit than he can pick.
The lunch group had a smart idea! Wouldn't this make an excellent service project for Rotarians to gather the fruit and pack it off for the local pantry. Paula, as our rotary's secretary, will add the idea to next week's board meeting agenda.