Don Weeks runs the first online meeting.
Due to the Corona Virus Lockdown, Rotarians missed having meetings at 127 West. Time to get creative with the Zoom option provided by the District. Don called all the Rotarians to let them know that they would be receiving a Zoom link to start online meeting today.
First order of business was to check in with everyone. Afterwards, the meeting continued to cover business as usual.
Rotarian George Archibold attended the online meeting format from his car. His granddaughter, Bailey, did the driving.
Rotarian Chuck Ibold listened to the discussion while Rotarian Karen Utley gave a report on the Constitution and ByLaws.
Rotarians Paula Shilts, Nick Beye and Marie Wade enjoyed the meeting.
(L-R) Rotarian discuss the lockdown's impact on the Miss Fallbrook/Teen Scholarship Pageant. Rotarians Sherri Trombetta and Sandy Maruca are happy to resolve some issues. Rotarian Gordon Stone looks very pensive. Jen Weeks, who joined the meeting as tech support, is relieved glitches were few.
(Not Pictured: Edith Samouillett)