A proud dad talks about his daughter's achievements as Student of the Month.
Bright and early on a cold Thursday morning, several community representatives honored this month’s hardworking students: Republican Women CA - Fallbrook, Fallbrook Vintage Car Club, Village News, Pacific Western Bank, San Diego Sheriff’s Department, and of course, Fallbrook Village Rotary.
Lance Corporal O'reilly and Corporal Sierra delivered the Lamp of Knowledge medal to recipients. Congratulations to these amazing young adults who received a medal this month!
- Teacher Matt Parker talked about first meeting his student in the family garage with Pip the Cat overseeing the proceedings. After finding Potter Middle school overwhelming, she joined Ivy High School and became one of the most successful students. She plans to volunteer at an animal shelter while attending Palomar to study Zoology.
- An ROTC Company Executive Officer received an introduction by Chief Warrant Officer Tom Smith. Chief Smith saw this Los Angeles transfer’s poise and confidence at their first meeting. This student not only excels in leadership but also conquers AP Stats and AP Data Science while helping others. She plans to study law or medicine at a four-year university after completing work at FUHS.
- The ROTC Chief Smith also announced his Commanding Officer who helped the FUHS ROTC team win multiple awards. She is the Cheerleading Captain, volleyball athlete, AP student, and four-year FFA participant completing Career & Technical Education Department (CTE) courses
- As a student poised for the future, the volleyball captain maintains a 3.8 average, takes both AP and junior college classes, and is the President of the Asian Pacific Club. Teacher Alydia Han, who nominated this student, talked about how well she handled her work as a Counseling Office Aide. This award recipient will focus on Psychology so she can help others and plans to obtain her Masters in Child Studies.
Congratulations to everyone!