Student of the Month (SOM) Elliot Chisolm-Reyes (center) stands with her family members.
Several SOM parades celebrated hard-working students this month. Teachers, principals, volunteers, and Rotarians celebrated Elliot Chisolm-Reyes along with three other students: Elizabeth Riley, Johnathan Fierro, and Analiese Sandoval Dalton. Rotarians Don and Jen Weeks participated and cheered alongside Fallbrook Union High School and Ivy High School representatives.
Principal Narciso Iglesias talked about Elliot's hard work and intelligence.
She plans to attend college.With Elliott’s good grades, she is recognized by the California Scholarship Federation (CSF). She volunteers throughout the community as well as the Fallbrook Senior Center. She plans to attend Cal State San Marcos to focus on her writing to become an author and teacher.
Teacher Marin Pinell nominated Elizabeth Riley (known as Ellie) because she worked so hard in chemistry. Even though it was a hard subject, she gave it her best. Teacher Pinnell has seen Ellie perform on stage. Even during a hip hop dance, Ellie moved with a ballerina’s grace. Her mother talked about how Ellie was a perfectionist and stayed on track with her schoolwork, even during COVID. This young lady will apply to college, get her Bachelor’s in Fine Arts in dance, perform, and become a dance teacher.
Both Teacher Kelly Walker and Principal Michael Gray presented Jonathan Fierro’s accomplishments. Jonathan guides other students on how to gain solutions rather than just giving them the answers. His work on since August has exceeded by 109%, and he has an excellent attitude. His mom shyly announced she was very proud. Jonathan posted for photos with his sister.
According to Johnathan, he took the advice of FUHS’s Principal Iglesias and started concentrating on school once he got to Ivy High. He thanked every single teacher he had this year, and announced that it was his first time earning Student of the Month. He doesn’t know about college, needs a direction and hoped his teachers would help him.
Her parents enjoy the self motivation and gain inspiration from the youngest, Annaliese Sandoval Dalton.
Her teammates surround her teasing her about her accomplishments.
Teacher Pinnell says she called Analiese the nickname ACE! The Ace in cards is always at the top, and Analiese comes up on top as a student. She hung in there during Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry and gave her all. This motivation pushed her further to more AP classes. There are incoming scholarships so her hard work pays off in both rugby and schoolwork. Analiese wants to become a nurse practitioner.
Rotarians are very excited about these excellent students! We all look forward to seeing the teacher, dancer, author, rugby player, and medical professional they plan for the future. With hard work, they can all succeed in their forthcoming careers!