Rotarian Don Weeks stands with Chuck and Mary Bacik by the Fallbrook Beautification Alliance (FBA) temporary storage for used batteries.
Due to FBA's hard work, residents can recycle used batteries of all sizes -- AAA, AA, C, D, button cell, 9-volt, both rechargeable and single use -- at Albertsons and Major Market. Our Rotary had been picking up batteries and bringing them to the local EDCO recycling. Fallbrook EDCO stopped that service due to COVID. The FBA had to send all the recently collected batteries to Ramona. They restarted the ongoing project by housing recycled batteries in FBA storage and transferring them to the San Marcos EDCO. The FBA plans to expand into other businesses and markets as soon as more volunteers are available.
FBA Volunteer Mary Bacik showed Rotarians Don and Jen Weeks the battery disposal containers by the Albertsons' north and south doors.
A stack of buckets sit at the Major Markets' North south door. Dominicks Deli provides pickle buckets to hold all the batteries.
FBA volunteer Mary Bacik seeks more Rotarian assistance with obtaining batteries at upcoming new locations and making runs to San Marcos EDCO. Contact Don Weeks for more information.