In this photo take by Rotarian Sandy Maruca, Rotarian Edith Sammouillet (upper right) spends with family who received a new home.
The goal of Project Mercy is the improvement of basic living standards and quality of life for impoverished families who live in squalid conditions in the shantytowns east of Tijuana, Mexico. Project Mercy builds basic but sturdy houses for the poorest families in the outlying neighborhoods, or “Colonias” of Tijuana, Mexico. Members of Old Mission Rotary, Fallbrook Village Rotary and Francis Parker Interact built homes in Tijuana on Saturday, Rotarians Fernanda Sammouillet and Sandy Maruca did a lot of work painting and screwing bolts into the structure.
The family was excited about their new house. The joy of Lucia, the mother, made the Rotarians' day. Being a Rotarian is an honor, and it gives so much meaning to life.