Our District Governor-Elect Steven Weitzen celebrates the coming year and the District 5340's president-elect group. Rotarian Don Weeks attended the President-Elect Training (PETS) in preparation for his 2021-2022 presidency.
To introduce presentations, each district governor and president-elects had an opportunity celebrate their accomplishments. District 4340 celebrated to the SHOUT song. Southwest Rotary PETS was held at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott Grand Marquis Ballroom for a three-day weekend including Friday.
The theme, Rotary Opens Doors, decorated the ballroom.
Rotary International (RI) President Holger Knaack 2020-21
RI President-elect Holger Knaack addressed a capacity crowd at Saturday’s session. Knaack recently returned from visiting Pakistan, where he met with the Pakistani Prime Minister and others to craft a strategy for tackling polio. And in a quick turnaround, he was at PETS with the club presidents-elect from seven districts.