Rotarian Gordon Stone enjoys meeting our new and incoming members.
During the pandemic, our club didn't get the opportunity to directly meet our new members. We all agreed that Zoom doesn't have that "personal touch." Rotarians gathered at the Garden Center Cafe to say "Hello."
Upcoming member Lois Somohano smiles for the camera with our newest Rotarian Mike Bett (center) and his wife Sally. Lois has recently moved to Fallbrook from Vista. She enjoys hiking and watercolor painting. Sherri and Jen told her about our Miss/Teen Scholarship Pageant and Turkey Trot fundraisers. Mike and Sally have recently arrived from Kent in the UK and are learning more about Fallbrook. He is a long-time Rotarian and had interesting stories about the Battle of Hastings and moving to the US.
Rotarians (R-L) Steve Abbott, Don Weeks, Sherri Trombetta and Jen Weeks dined with our new & upcoming members (not pictured: George Archibold) Everyone also looks forward to seeing new member Michelle Way and upcoming member Mila Cochran face-to-face.