Miss Fallbrook: Vanessa Hernandez
1st Princess: Yvonne Damian
2nd Princess: Lupita Hernandez
Miss Teen Fallbrook: Stephanie Puerta
1st Princess: Madi Golden
2nd Princess: Veronica Romero
The 2019 Miss Fallbrook and her Court!
The 2019 Miss Teen Fallbrook and her Court!
Rotarian Chuck Ibold was the event's Master of Ceremonies
2018 Miss Fallbrook Samantha Burke gives her farewell speech.
2018 Miss Teen Fallbrook,Jayden Dominique gives her farewell speech.
All the Miss Fallbrook/Teen Pageant participants take the stage after the Impromptu Event.
Rotarian Steve Abbott with Volunteers Helen Archibald and Melinda Stone sit at the Shining Star voting table.
Volunteers Wendy Huge and Martha Stone (standing) manage the concessions table with Bonsall High School volunteer.
Rotarian Gordon Stone, Volunteer Jen Weeks and Bonsall High School volunteer handle the concessions area.
All participants are onstage for the announcement of the winners.