Rotarian Don Weeks receives the Rotary Superhero award from District Governor Marta Knight (right). 




Here is the Rotary Superhero pin close-up. At each club, the District Governor presents a Rotary Superhero award to one member who works largely behind the scene and can always be counted on. Rotarian Don Weeks is the club's Sergeant at Arms who is there for most of the events.


The club received the official certificate for the 2018-19 Rotary Citation with Gold Distinction and Rotary Foundation 100% Member Participation banner from 2017-2018.


Our Rotary Club President Steve Abbott stands with our honorable guests (left to right) Assistant Governor Richard Fogg, Governor Nominee Daniel Gensler, and District Governor Marta Knight. 

District Governor Marta Knight and Rotary Club President explain how to collect spare change to support the Good-Bye Polio efforts.

The District Governor presented this year's Rotary Motto, focus areas and worldwide impact.


District Governor Marta Knight receives a fine gift basket from Rotary Club President Steve Abbott.