DRC Maria Milan (left) provided this photo with her Commanding Officer.
Despite the rain, Deployment Readiness Coordinator (DRC) Marija (Maria) Milan spoke to Rotarians about Combat Logistics Battalion (CLB)-15 via Zoom. She told Rotarians that the candy-munching battalion contains mostly young single men who loved getting our Halloween treats. A few women and married soldiers are also in this unit.
They won’t return until sometime later this year — once they are fully deployed. Yes, they could use care packages! Unit funds are only a few dollars per soldier per quarter. CLB-13 could sure use some more non-perishables: candy, chips, protein bars, ramen, and jerky. Lists will be provided that also include feminine items.
Prior to COVID, our club has handled food services for Christmas parties and cooked burgers to welcome this unit home. Steve and Katrina were most excited to move forward! Katrina has some great ideas for items that met her needs when she was in the military. Steve has our club history regarding past club support for CLB-15.