Steve Achard read to third-grade students at Live Oak Elementary.
Before entering the library or auditorium, children lined up asking each other, “Is this where we get a book?” The students entered the room, and the tall ones look over the shorter ones to see if books sat stacked in corners.
The librarians introduced the Rotarians who were going to read Now and Ben, a story about the Benjamin Franklin's inventions. One kid announced, “My brother got one of those books! I read it but I want one of my own.” Rotarian Achard, who initiated the book program, nodded and smiled. This scene occurred throughout the school district in Fallbrook and Camp Pendleton.
The children learn about the different chairs invented by Benjamin Franklin.
After the readings, students raised their hands to answer questions. Right answers earn them Yogurt Palace coupons! Afterwards, every student received a Now and Ben book with a gift sticker from our Rotary.
The school library’s also received books sets included by Scholastic Publishing in the “Now and Ben” book delivery.
Rotarians visited the campfire-themed reading area with the Maie Ellis Elementary School Librarian. The Ben Carson Grant provided reading areas to Fallbrook schools.