Ready to fire up the grill at the Rally for the Children once again!



Arts in the Park is finally B-B-B-A-A-A-a-a-ck! 

Working with Major Market and Ace Party Rentals, Rotarians delivered burgers, hot dogs, chips, salads and drinks to the hungry kids and parents at the event. Music wafted over the BBQ from the nearby performance stage. Families— bearing origami, paper mache, and clay figures ----enjoyed close to 500 burgers and hot dogs.


During the morning setup, Sally Bett inspected the onions while Jon Dickson looked over the service table. 


Our dear Miss Fallbrook team managed our cheese burger toppings and end-of-line food order check for the first shift.


Helen Archibold brought Teegan while Karen Utley cooked burgers during second shift.


Every one enjoyed themselves! In one case, Don Weeks wondered if Mike Bett would burn his fingers.

Our service to Arts in the Park made the Bonsall & Fallbrook Village News!
(Village News/Shane Gibson/Julie Reader photo)