District Governor Chuck Pretto to Visit FVR January 10th
District Governor Chuck Pretto will be visiting our Club during our regular January 10th meeting. Please plan on attending. In honor of our DG we will be "kicking it up a notch" for our lunch menu that day!
Rotary District 5340's Nominating Committee is pleased to announce that Chuck Pretto from the Rotary Club of San Diego will officially serve as District Governor Designate (DGD), leading District 5340 during the Rotary year 2022-2023. Chuck Pretto was selected by District 5340's Nominating Committee to serve, pending any challenges from clubs across the District. No challenges were received, and the selection has become final.
Chuck, In 1992, was invited to join San Diego Rotary. He found his niche hosting exchange students. He and his wife hosted a half a dozen students throughout the years. In Club 33 he chaired numerous committees including Camp Enterprise, Project Allocations & Grants, and Youth Exchange. He served as President in 2013-14 and then Chair of the Club 33's foundation the following year. He has been active at the District level and served as District Conference Chair, Chief of Staff, Rotaract Chair, Chief Aide and upcoming Chief Assistant Governor.
On behalf of the all of the Nominating Committee members, as well as District Governor Marta Knight, we congratulate Chuck on his achievement.