Meiko Winton discussed the program for the coming school year.


Meiko talked about the Student of the Month celebrations continuing despite COVID. There were after-school caravans to students’ homes with Rotarians in tow. A principal brought a megaphone. Don & Jen made some noise with New Year’s clappers and party horns. A few narrow Fallbrook hilly roads made the trip interesting! Particularly, if it was the wrong hill, and drivers had to reverse down again! This all created the tradition of excelling scholars’ yard signs to go with the “red bag” of community gifts.

Rotarians heard about the upcoming events to start October 5th. Every year, our club supports celebrating hardworking high-schoolers nominated by teachers for excellence.

Reminding Rotarians about the amazing experience recognizing FUHSD accomplishments, Meiko asked Rotarians to join in this uplifting breakfast event at the North Coast Church.  Some of these young adults have worked their way up supported by their immigrant families to excel in their high school years. Students not only achieve in academics but school activities, community service, leadership and citizenship.