Our District Governor (DG) honors long-time & hardworking Rotarians!


DG Don Fipps handed Rotarians Challenge Coins to recognize their service to the club/community. It brought excitement and recognition to the recipients! What is the Challenge? Traditionally, any coin owner to challenge any other coin owner to reveal their coin. Without a coin, the loser buys drinks!

Steve Achard, who joined Rotary in the 1960s in Farmington, New Mexico, received his coin for his volunteerism. He became a TDRC Bullshipper after moving to the Rotary Club of Tahoe-Douglas and served as Bullshipper President. It is a prestigious honor to be part of this group. Of course, Steve served as our 2009-10 Fallbrook Village Rotary President.


Our long-standing female Rotarian Sandy Maruca, joined our club in 1996. She has been our treasurer’s assistant, currently takes beautiful photographs, and handles our monthly newspaper articles as our Public Image Officer.


Kathy Reitkerk has been our hardworking treasurer for several years dealing with a flurry of receipts. She also manages our active.com system for the Turkey Trot. 

Note: Thank you, Donna Fipps, for the presentation photos.